The wonder of our universe is something that will never cease to amaze me. There is so much out there that we cannot even begin to comprehend, in our night sky there are more stars than there are grains of sand, numerous planets , galaxies and so much more still unknown out there. We are so blessed to be able to see some of the miracles of nature here on earth - Like the Aurora Borealis - An amazing light show caused by coronal mass ejections from the sun and we are so lucky here in the north east of Scotland to witness it often. The Milky Way stretching gloriously across our sky, Noctiluscent Cloud lighting up our early summer skies, the Moon photographed close up- visualising all its craters, Meteors streaking across our field of vision, there is just so much out there and I will be forever amazed by our amazing universe both at night and in the daytime. Here are some of my photographs of the night sky in all it's glory





